I finally got a chance to go to a book signing! Yay! I don't know why, but very few authors that I am interested in, come to Memphis so I was pretty excited. I heard about it a few days before and of course I could not secure a babysitter, so I took the kiddies along. Normally, taking the boys would have been a disaster, and I would have had to leave early, but all I had to do was turn my oldest on to the goodness of Starbucks and I had no problem. Of course he spent all the money I gave him (the Double Chocolate Chip Frappucchino is his new best friend) but it kept him and his little brother quiet while I attended the signing.
The featured author was Carl Weber. Mr. Weber is a New York Times Best Selling author. His recent books include The Family Business 2, Torn Between Two Lovers, The Man In 3B-none of which I have read but are on my TBR. I HAD a few of his book on my book shelf, but my sister has confiscated those so I am still waiting to get them back.
Anyhoo, Mr Weber was so down to earth. He was very entertaining and very approachable. The gathering was intimate-mostly ladies with a few men sprinkled in. He answered questions, talked about the books, future books, and let us know a few of the books will be making television debts. I had a great time, got my books signed, and got a pix. Here are the photos of my day. I have video, but I just can't figure out how to get it from my phone to the blog. Hopefully, I will figure it out and get it uploaded...
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