Sunday, March 6, 2011

Diva Mail (25)

Good morning bookish peeps!  It's a cold, cold Sunday morning and time for In My Mailbox.  This weekly meme is hosted by the fab Kristi @ The Story Siren.

I didn't pick up any new reads last week but I did get one ARC review book in the mail yesterday.  So what new reads did you get this week?

A Little Bit Of Passion by Beate Boeker

*Thanx so much to Beate Boeker for this review copy.

5 Talk to me!:

Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict said... 1

Oh, this one looks good. I haven't heard of it. I hope you enjoy it.

BLHmistress said... 2

I hadn't heard of this book but looks good.

In My Mailbox

Alison Can Read said... 3

I haven't heard of Little Bit of Passion. Looks cute.

Ann Summerville said... 4

I stopped by your blog today.

Unknown said... 5

I Just finished reading the 6th book in the Josie Marcus Mystery Shopper Series, "An Uplifting Murder" by Elaine Viets. Loved each and every one. Today I started on a new one "A Crafty Killing" by Lorraine Bartlett. Then last but not least, I picked up two new ones at Target, "Welcome to Last Chance" by Hope Ramsay, and "Curiosity Thrilled The Cat" by Sofie Kelly. Both of these are new authors for me. And then I picked up my last one while at the BX, Chicken Soup for the Soul "Shaping the New You".