Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Winners: ARC Giveaway Of Mystify and March Madness Book Hop


Woohoo!  I recently held two giveaways for some awesome prizes so today I will be announcing three winners.    Thank you so much to everyone that continues to visit the blog and take time to comment and enter my giveaways.

I also want to thank the blogs that participated in my March Madness Book Hop.  It was only a handful of blogs, but we did get some great traffic so thanks so much for participating.

Anyhoo, on to the winners.  The winner for an advanced reader's copy of Mystify by Artist Arthur is ....

Ariel Wilson
Congrats, Ariel.  I have already forwarding your mailing addy to Lisa @ Online Publicist so she can get your prize out to you.

The winners of my March Madness Book Hop are...

April Harvey gets a copy of This Side Of The Grave + Swag

Cindy MacBeth gets a copy of Dreams Of A Dark Warrior + Swag

Congrats, April and Cindy.  I already have your mailing addys and will get them in the mail by the end of the week.

Thanx again for stopping by the blog.  Stay tuned to see what I have up for grabs next!

3 Talk to me!:

Ariel Wilson said... 1

Yay! :D Thank you!

LadyVampire2u said... 2

This morning I got a package in the mail and that was curious because I had not ordered anything. In fact I had been so busy caring for my father who is currently very ill, I had not had much chance to do anything at all this week. And I open the package to discover a brand new copy of This Side of the Grave that I had won on your blog! Oh, you have no idea what a wonderful surprise it was!! I'm sorry I had not been back on your blog to thank you until now but things have been so hectic over here by me this last week. Thank you so very much for the book and bookmarks, the pen, perfume and soap. It was such a lovely package and I deeply appreciate it. You really made my day here. Heck, you made my month! And here's hoping your having as great day there as you've made mine here.

Yvonne said... 3

Your're welcome. Thanks for visiting the blog

Aww, thanks. You just made my day!
I'm so sorry to hear about your father, your family will be in my prayers.