Thursday, October 7, 2010

Book Blogger Hop and Follow My Book Blog Friday

I haven't blog hopped in a few weeks so I figured I'd get back to it and visit.

Book Blogger Hop With Jenn @ Crazy For Books
The Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and find new book-related blogs that they may be missing out on!  This weekly book party is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!  It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs that they may not know existed!  So, visit Crazy For Books to grab the logo, then post about the Hop on your blog, and start HOPPING through the list of blogs  that are posted in the Linky list.

Question Of The Week:
What's your favorite beverage while reading or blogging, if any? Is it tea, coffee, water, a glass of wine, or something else?

I'm a big tea drinker, so I'm normally drinking lemon tea or a pepsi.

Follow My Book Blog Friday with Parajunkee
To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host Parajunkee and anyone else on the list that you want.
  • Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky Thing.
  • Grab the button and make a post so that anyone visiting can comment.
  • If someone comments and follows you, don't forget to comment and follow back.
Question of the week:

How many reviews do you like to do a week?

I try to do at least two, sometimes I do more. 

29 Talk to me!:

Alison Can Read said...

Hi Yvonne. Thanks for hopping by. I'm a new follower.
My Hop

Natalie said...

Hey Yvonne! I'm stopping in to say hi! I see you're having a Halloween event soon! That's exciting! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!

Have a great weekend!

Shera (Book Whispers) said...

Lemon tea is so good! I'm more fond of French Vanilla.

Awesome blog. Just stopping in from the hop!

- Shera (Book Whispers)

Anonymous said...

Just hopping by! Have a great weekend!

Belinda said...

Happy HOP! All day you'll find me guzzling water but at night I splurge on soda to keep awake those few moments longer. Hope you enjoy your weekend :)

Come HOP by if you have the time

Anonymous said...

Blog hopping...I am drinking an orange soda right now and I am trying to do at least 2-3 reviews per week.

I am a new follower/hopper/blogger so pop in if you can. Have an awesome weekend!

A Page Turner 4 U

BookLoversDen said...

Hey, am ur new follower... found you thru FF.

Omaid @ Book Lovers Den

Miss Page-Turner said...

Follower now:) Check out my blog if you like:

justpeachy36 said...

Just hopping by... I'm a new follower!

Ragan said...

New follower just hopping by. Have a wonderful weekend!

Ragan @ Location 2571

Tara said...

Ooh, I like your blog a lot. Your layout is super cute. I found you through Follow Friday and I'm a new follower! I like how you have a scrollbar of reviews to come - that's pretty cool.

If you get a chance, you should check out my blog. I've got a giveaway going on.

Kate said...

I'm a new follower. Discovered your blog through Follow Friday!

Kate @ Literary Explorations

Judith Leger said...

Yes, I'm hopping all over the place. This is fun though! :D I drink Mountain Dew when I cuddle up to read. Add a little chocolate with a good book and I'm in heaven!

Unknown said...

I tend to drink Dr.pepper unless it is cold then I drink hot chocolate. come follow me

Read for your future! said...

I love your blog
Just stopped by to say Hi on hop friday.
Stop in and enter my Kool book giveaways

Jeremy said...

I'm doing the Friday Follow and Blog Hop. I usually drink iced tea while blogging.
I really enjoy visiting and possibly finding new blogs. I hope you have a magnificent weekend!

I'm a old follower.

Jennifer said...

Dropping by to visit from the Hop and FF. Old follower here. Have a great weekend.

Seduced By Books said...

hopping - can't wait for sexy saturday!!

Anonymous said...

New follower! LOVE LOVE your blog header, seriously. It's fantastic. :) Can't wait to follow your blog and see some new books.

Guta Bauer said...

I'm hopping by! Loved your blog, will sure come back! ;)

Come see Murphy's Library too.

Megan Mack said...

Bonjour! I'm a new follower. I found you through FF and I just wanted to let you know :) I'd love it if you checked out my blog

Kristina Barnes♥ said...

Just hoppin' on by! <3

I'm a big tea drinker too <3

I don't normally drink while reading; I'm afraid of spills! But when I write reviews, I must, must, MUST have a cold glass of Very Vanilla Soymilk with me. It's weird, I know, but I can't write one without it! :P

Kristina @ Frazzled Book Nommer

Diana said...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I don't really drink tea or pepsi. Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

blogger hop hop, have a good weekend.

Carissa said...

Stopping on by from the Hop! I'm a new follower now! I really love your Blog. I also love my vamps. Damon can bite me anytime;-)

Heather said...

Tea is delicious... I can't believe I neglected to mention it... since I drink it ALL the time. Sheesh.

And I'm going to have to start doing more weekly reviews!

Check out my Blog Hop, Follow Friday and Giveaway HERE!

Anonymous said...

Lemon tea is the best! i like it with honey in it.

I think more lemon tea will fit in with my diet mostly of coffee and beer! ;)

Rhiannon said...

I do love my tea as well.
Just hoping by, following and saying hi.
If you have any scary or paranormal reviews, intereviews, or giveaways, then make sure to stop by my site and add them (anytime this month) to my Giving me the Creeps October page. I'm hoping to spread the word on some blogs and share the scary all month long!

The Happy Booker said...

Hopping in to follow! Great blog! I'm a Sweet Tea addict (its a southern thing) I drink it all day long, hold the lemon please.