Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wishlist Wednesday

Okay, you all know that I absolutely love my books and even though I have quite a large TBR list, I still want more.  So, this is my latest Wishlist of books that I will positively die if I don't read. 

Trouble Down The Road by Bettye Griffin
Suzanne and Brad Betancourt have a lot to be grateful for-their home, their children, and each other. They've even survived the fact that Brad's ex-wife lives next door and Suzanne's intrusive mother and siblings are just down the road. But Suzanne's confidence unravels at Brad's fiftieth birthday blowout, when young, voluptuous, neighbor Micheline brings a specially wrapped gift: herself. Suddenly, Suzanne feels like she's the one having the midlife crisis...
Hoping to impress Brad, and ease family troubles that are already straining their relationship, Suzanne goes into business with a friend. But the endeavor stretches her too thin, leaving Brad hurt and alienated. Soon he begins to distance himself from her-moving right into the waiting arms of Micheline, who is all too ready to ditch her own husband.
Now, with marriages on the line across the neighborhood, Suzanne and Brad will have to question their notion of loyalty to one another-and to themselves.
Click HERE for a sneak peak.

Her Husband Made Her Do Him by Ms. Downlow
Suicide or an affair? Stunning, conservative, 24 year old black law student, Katlynne LaSalle, discovers that her husband is cheating. Will she flunk, will hubby divorce her, should she escape forever? She chooses to inject vivid color into her black & white boring life, and begins her own wild affair with a married recording artist. Together they fulfill threesome fantasies she never had before.

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