Good morning! In My Mailbox is hosted by the super fab Kristi @ The Story Siren.
I only bought one book last week and that's Waiting To Exhale. I've had several copies of the book, loaned them to someone, can't remember who, but never volunteered to five them back so I just got a new one. I really wanted a hardback, but couldn't find one so for now I've settled for the paperback which I will soon reread. I loved this book and movie back in the day.
I got Die For Me from Net Galley a while ago, but forgot to mention. I requested it because I liked the book summary, but as I read the reviews I realized it was about zombies. Eek! Not a zombie fan, but judging from the reviews, I may become one...we'll see.
I also borrowed Lover Unleashed and Sweet Valley Confidential. Yay! I've been wanting to read both, but was trying to wait until my library got them. Both books have mixes reviews so really anxious to see what all the fuss is about. Thankfully someone loaned me ebooks to read. Now my Nook will be very happy that I will getting to spend more time with it instead of neglecting it for paperbacks.
Well, thanks all, so what did you get in your mailbox?

6 Talk to me!:
Cute blog! I'm loving all your pink. :) I hope you enjoy your books this week. Die for Me looks really good and I've heard it has a really satisfying ending.
Great mailbox! Your background is making me feel very springy. Here is My IMM Post hope you will visit.
@Small Review
Thanx. I love the pink too! I've heard that it is a great story, just hope the zombies don't scare me away!
When I saw the background I wasn't thinking springy, I just liked the pink and the swirly thingies. But now that you mention it, I guess it is a good spring color. Thanx!
Eek! I'm a big wimp when it comes to zombies :) All I've heard about is the swoony romance though!
Your blog is fantastic. I love it. Looks like you had a good week.
Thanx! I am forever changing it. Hopefully I'll let this one stay awhile.
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