Title: Pleasure Of A Dark Prince
Author: Kresley Cole
Released: February, 2010
Series: Immortals After Dark, Book 9
Book Summary
Lucia the Huntress: as mysterious as she is exquisite, she harbors secrets that threaten to destroy her—and those she loves.
Garreth MacRieve, Prince of the Lykae: the brutal Highland warrior who burns to finally claim this maddeningly sensual creature as his own.
From the shadows, Garreth has long watched over Lucia. Now, the only way to keep the proud huntress safe from harm is to convince her to accept him as her guardian. To do this, Garreth will ruthlessly exploit Lucia’s greatest weakness—her wanton desire for him. . . .
My thoughts
Another great love story from Kresley Cole. I love all of her Immortals After Dark books so this one was no different.
Garreth and Lucia were a great love match from beginning to end. They made such a great kick ass team. I enjoyed all the parts where Lucia tried to avoid any of his advances in fear that she would give up her vow of celibacy and her archery skills. I can image how hard-no pun intended- he made it for her to keep telling him no.
Garreth started out as an over bearing and over protective mate, but soon learned that to keep his woman, he'd have to be patient and let her come to him. If only all males would learn that little tidbit! Garrett learned that and still had fun winning over his lady love. Instead of being put off by her fiesty ways, he enjoyed the chase that Lucia proved. I guess that's what I loved about the story. If it's meant to be, then against all odds, love will prevail.
And I can't forget those crazy Valkyrie! They are, hands down, the best part of the series. You never know what they will say or do, but it's always funny as hell!
And I can't forget those crazy Valkyrie! They are, hands down, the best part of the series. You never know what they will say or do, but it's always funny as hell!
My rating
5 stars
I would definitely recommend this book. Kresley Cole has a winning series that keeps getting better with each new story she adds to the series.5 stars
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