Friday, April 23, 2010

Eclipse Trailer on Oprah

Okay, twilighters, time to get your "damn, I can't wait to see that" scream on.   Just learned, courtesy of my Twit Peeps, that the big O has the latest Eclipse trailer.  She released it on her show today.  By now it's probably all over the net, but lucky for you, I've done all the goggling for you and posted it here for your enjoyment.  The cast will be on her show May 13  and the movie will be out June 13, so mark your calendars.

Oh, that reminds me, I need to call my bro so I can get my New Moon DVD back.  He's had it for quite some time now.  For him to be a confessed twihater, he certainly didn't mind asking me for.  He calls it "that shiny gay vampire movie".  Okay hater, drop it off. 

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